Witcher 3 problem kings gambit

anyone else, get stuck on the loading screen at the end of the kings gambit quest? i have tried all the different options for the quest, and i still get stuck on the loading screen. i'm on 1.03 btw

no I haven't (and i've finished that one)

report it here:

but also try, saving the game. Restarting your game and loading it up again might fix problems.

already have, :( i even loaded a prior save and tried to restart the quest 3 times now. all to that damned loading screen! haha will try that site. its a pity because i put aside this weekend for witcher now i cant play it! rabble rabble rabble rant! deydookourgames!

in mean time you can do other quests/contracts plenty of stuff to do.

um that would remove that sweet sword i got! fate or something, thats a beast sword! haha idk maybe i'll do other stuff and then do the quest after a patch is out.

;) there will be plenty better swords on the way.

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just wanna say that i finished the game, all i had to do was to drop the quest when choosing to follow cerys or hjlamar 'i think you can solve this on your own. kinda ruins the ending. but if you plan on replaying, i definitely recommend doing so