Earlier today I was playing the Witcher 3 as I'm sure many of you were. I had just wrapped up the prologue and during the cutscene that follows my screen went a very dark shade of blue and a loud buzz came out of my speakers. This led to a series of this happening and about four systems resets before I was able to get back in. I cannot even launch the game now as my screen goes entirely black, forcing me to reset my computer. Is there any known fix for this? And has anyone else been having this issue? I think its something to do with the new driver nvidia put out (I'm running a gtx960).
If you believe it is the driver then roll the driver back. hit windows key type in "device manager" go to display adapter and click driver option to roll back will be there.
Just tried it with skyrim, which had no issues running before, but just had the issue I described above. None of this happened until I played the witcher 3 for about two hours today. My temperatures were fine and everything.
hmm sounds like something died or is pretty much dead. try running like furmark for a bit watch temps see if it still crashes. if it does have a look at the error/event log.
was this the most demanding game you have played on your system before?
Probably witcher 2 lol. I usually dont run very demanding games. I just played a match of smite with no issues if that helps. This GPU is fairly new so I'm going to be incredibly pissed if something went wrong
Um. I'm not sure what else to do to try to test it seems like demanding games crash you but lesser ones do not, which could be a hardware issue or a software one.
witcher and skyrim crashed you upon launching the game?
some general things you can do, do a game file check with steam. and run a check disk on your system
I have no overclocks on anything but its funny you should mention that because a few of the restarts said my overclock has failed and that I would have to revert those settings in BIOS, but I've never overclocked anything.
So weirdest thing of my entire life happened. I was running a check disk and it was taking awhile as check disks are known to do and I fell asleep. I woke up to a computer that was very much somewhere between life and death, a few lights on but none of the buttons worked. I had to open it up and check some things and then plugged it all back in. Everything works totally fine now, I just got done playing a little more of the witcher 3 to confirm. I literally did nothing and the biggest scare of my computer building life went away on its own.