Witcher 3 AMD driver next week. Heres why

AMD is set to release their drivers next week after the release of The Witcher 3. The reason behind this is related to Nvidia and their Game Works program.

As many of you know this is a bad thing regardless of what gpu you use. Competitors should not be inhibiting the competitions ability to have a stable and pleasant experience.

This is long known and much hated practice. Nvidia fans tend not to care because they benefit and AMD users dislike nvidia because of it.

Mostly there is nothing that can be done other than DONT BUY GAME WORKS GAMES. That is he only message that will get through. It worked with Valve and Bethesda after the Paid Workshop Mods uproar.

As long as people buy this garbage companies will keep making it. The issues lies not with AMD or nVidia but the consumer.

Yes us. We are the issue.

Bury these scumbags rather than reward the for their bad games.

At end of the v day every game with nvidia works in it has been half assed and a performance disaster for everyone is my understanding. Is this idea that gameworld is s substitution for actual development....

Just another category too add to whether or not too pay for a game. 'Proprietary nvidia anti-amd bs'. Also screw nvidia. Vote with your wallets folks. You can still play the game of you really want to.

Hey if AMD suddenly turned round and started to do this I would be every bit as against them. This is just bad, and ANY developer found to be engaging in this should be shunned. I know I am the vocal minority but I will keep saying it till it stops.

On the other hand it may not last long as nVidia are now eating themselves. Project CARS is out and the 700 series TITAN is only 2 frames faster than the 960! a once $1000 card is only jsut as fast as a $200 card. And the 780 is slower than the 960 in the game all because of Gamewroks. on a normal day and taking averages the 780 is 34% faster than the 960 and because of Gameworks it runs worse!

And we were happy to let this happen.

EDIT: Just to clarify nVidia are deliberately crippling their own cards from previous series to sell 900 series.

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Yeah thats just broken, pretty sure 960 is not as powerful as titan. Just boycot them. I have a checklist for buying games, I brought some pretty shocking games and got feed up with it, the checklist works quiet well..

  • No Origin/uplay bs
  • No regional price gauging, k thnx not going to pay more than the americans, my country is poorer asseholes (nz).
  • No limited install bs
  • No always on malware/drm, I care about my computer
  • No consolities, if I wanted the console experience I would have a bloody console...

Just add:
- No E3ities
- No Game works
- If it comes on consoles just wait, because it will most likely look like shit, especially if it has 'advanced nvidia ****ware on it'....

Some more? Witcher 3 (EDIT: 1080p) bechmarks?

If those are at 1080p then it looks about to be what I would expect comparing AMD to nVidia. Hairworks is off which is the thing that really kills AMD cards. The really question is why the 700 series is so much slower. I didn't think the tesselation performance was that much worse on Kepler.

It is the exact same result out of Project CARS. The 780 falls to the 960.

EDIT: Yes these are at 1080 on ultra. 2160p is not pretty.

That is quite strange. Really doesn't make much sense to me at all.

At 4K, I'd expect the AMD cards to pull ahead or be the same as the high end nVidia (980) with the 700 series definetly beating the lower end 900 series offerings. But I'm assuming that isn't the case?

Not so good really, when considering its 1920x1080, and the game doesn't look that great... They have some really good examples here of the downgrade:

Also 4k is out of the question if thats what you can expect to get at 1920x1080. I mean look the titan x can almost do 4K by itself @60fps minimum on pretty much everything... Its barely getting that here, this is absurd... Whats it doing, 8x SSAO? (probably not, probably 2x or 4x) Game works isn't even on....

This is abysmal performance when you consider what the game looks like now....

Nope, go to that link and down the very bottom and you can set the settings of the benchmarks and see the results.

I didn't mean overall performance, just the GPUs in relation to each other. I agree with overall performance being too low. I mean IDC about the Witcher 3 personally really. Not gonna play it and I thought the first two were mediocre anyway. That being said though, this is really worrying if this is the trend gaming is going down... Sucks to for people who want this game or any game that has these issues.

How do Nvidia fans benefit when Nvidia seems to have crippled their own cards to try to push sales of the 900 series? Those people have no shame.

I pre ordered through G2A so I personally care about performance. These are things that should be sorted out before release. No one deserves to suffer performance just because you don't use our brand.

I hope this is all a mistake as I genuinely want to play Project CARS on my 290. But this is just wrong.

My god. 30FPS on a Titan X? And somehow 970s beating a 290X at 4K? and the 700 series (which generally do better at 4K) not even usable. Wow. This is really bad.

On a side note, really like how this site does their benchmarks. Cool how you can select the options and when you mouse over it shows your percentage performance difference.

Yes, I hope there is something drastically wrong here but for two games from different companies to come out with in days of each other both with the same issues and same features stuffed into them. Well, it does not look like a mistake.

EDIT: Project CARS benchmarks

Yeah I wasnt that interested, but the graphics looked so good I was like 'holy heck' I might have to play this filth... Nope not anymore. And its sad to think we are at the point where we need two Titan Xs to play a console port at high on 2560x1440 ~60fps, and maybe one to play it >30fps. And it look the same as console, I mean WTF... Truly WTF...

This is truly a **** the PC gamers, 0 Fs given, I am sure it will run with something, on some setting, at some point in time,..., 'oh no they can get a bigger graphics card'..... I mean this performance here is an even bigger issue than the downgrade at this point..... At this stage we should not be talking about multi graphics configurations at that resoloution....

It is, I am not sure if its gameworks per se, or the fact that they are like 'hey we havegameworks', 'it's this amazing package that does everything for us' we 'don't need to waste any resources optimizing the bloody game'...... It could be one, it could be the other, it could be both.....

The fact the 960 does so well though, and performance across the boards is so bad, I mean clearly that points to gameworks having some code in there which makes the game run bad on everything but maxwell... Its really shocking,,, Hope people like logan with clout make a big fuss about this sort of thing... Because people listen to such people...

290 can't even beat a 770 at 1080p... Wow. Overall too these frame rates are pathetic. Poorly optimized games that are then worsened by nVidia who seem to not only be screwing AMD but also their own older cards as well.

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