Wireless Reciever

I have a Gateway 2wire 2701HG-B and i want to use it as a wireless receiver. I got the router from AT&T and no longer go through them. I have a computer with only Ethernet connection. I want to take a wifi signal and turn it into ethernet.

Thanks in advance.

You can do that with just about any WiFi router. You can also do it with a PC acting as a "proxy" too (I believe Windows calls this Internet sharing or something).

The problems I envision will be with whatever is acting as the DHCP server (which is typically part of your router) and whether or not you will be segmenting networks. The guys over at Twit's How-To show just recently did a video on this. There are also bunch of other videos on YouTube including a very intelligent guy named Eli too. I'd give links but I think I may be on thin ice even mentioning it. But at least it's something... Hope it helps.