Salutations, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a wireless NIC that can be used with PF-Sense or if it would just be easier to use my old linksys g router as a wireless access point? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
Salutations, I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a wireless NIC that can be used with PF-Sense or if it would just be easier to use my old linksys g router as a wireless access point? Thank you in advance for your assistance.
You are better off using a separate access point, however with version 2.2 of pfsense they're using a more recent kernel which has drivers for more chipsets, so a lot of newer n cards should work. Here's the compatibility list for freeBSD 10.1, which pfsense uses:
Thanks, I might just use the old linksys g router as an access point to it. Since, I'm only working with a 15mbs connection and really don't transfer files around my network.