Hey guys,
So I was given a Sennheiser RS 220 for Christmas, and in my small town home basement they sounded perfect and I couldn't be happier with them.
However now that I've moved back up to my apartment in Chicago, I've noticed lots of points where the audio either drops, or I get lots of 'pops' in the sound. I gotta imagine this has to do with the interference of around 20 other wireless routers on my floor, not to mention the 4 in my vicinity (one is mine, and the three others are my roommates)
I was wondering if there was much I could do to help combat this issue (aside from moving or lining my entire room in tinfoil) as these were not cheap and it's a shame if I won't be able to use them without moving elsewhere first.
I assume that the issue is caused by interference of some kind. It might be the plethora of routers in your area, it might not be. I don't know enough about how the RS220 works to be able to say for sure. You could try using them somewhere with no interference if possible to see if that solves the problem, then you would know for sure that it is interference. You could then try introducing a router into that interference free environment and see if that causes some issues, etc and eventually pin down the problem causer.
If it actually interference (and I think it probably is), then your options are to either remove the interference somehow (move to a low interference area, remove the routers, use tinfoil, etc) or make the RS220 not susceptible to the interference anymore (which I have NO IDEA how to do).
If it isn't interference, then you need to figure out what it is and deal with that accordingly. My best guess is that you are sol on this one. Sorry.