So my boss at work today asked me if i could find him a wireless keyboard (and i think he implied a mouse) but he wants the keyboard to not take batteries... so i.e. wireless from computer but still have an AC adapter for is for a conference room.. i told him i didn't think they existed but said i would have a look.. has anyone even heard of this?
there is no such thing :p
there -are- mouse i know off you can charge by putting them in a dock, but keyboards? no...
Doesnt exist. Could make the bottom of the keyboard have some sort of power panel and have the desk be like a big battery and plug it to the wall.. But that's just crazy talk.
solder a solar panel to the keyboard
there is no keyboard like that
though the razer mamba is wired and wireless
thats what i thought thanks guys
Wireless keyboards on AAA batteries use like a few months before they die out, can't be that much of a hassle to change AAA's once in a few months