Wireless adapter help

I'm looking for a way to get wifi on my desktop and I don't know if I should get a PCI card a USB adapter.  I plan to use it for gaming.


Thanks in advance 

USB adapters...well, they can be iffy. If you go PCI, then you are cooking off a slot on your motherboard.  I would just go with a power-line adapter.

USB is crappy. Signals are unstable If not totally disconnected. I have a Asus AC68 wifi card, and it works great for me. I also have a motherboard that is really set up well for it. I have this board: http://pcpartpicker.com/part/gigabyte-motherboard-ga990fxaud3 Some boards like this have a 1x pcie in the top connector and then the full 16x slot beneath it. So if your board has a similar slot design then your really set to go. Otherwise if you don't mind using another slot somewhere else then your good to go.

I bought the same motherboard as you but I have like a $30 budget, is this one good?  http://pcpartpicker.com/part/intel-wireless-network-card-2200bnhmwdtx1