Wireless Access Point

Ok, so looking for a good access point for ~$100 or less. I asked about this on a different post and received some helpful suggestions but now I'm strictly looking for an effective solution for one gaming PC, several smart tv's and a few low use laptops, and general phone use for several people. None of the traffic is intensive save that for the gaming pc, so preferably a solution that can allow me to prioritize traffic to it and place all other devices secondary so the other devices don't cause congestion during peak hours for gaming. pfsense is not an option.

To clarify, a WiFi access point and a router are two different things. With that said, I recommend the Ubiquiti Unifi AP, they can be had for $70 or less, and they work great!

Most of the time I just pick up a cheap router on sale and turn it into an AP.
Will say the K4KFH recommendation of a Ubiqiti product is good. I have not seen ubiquiti turn out a crappy wireless product.  


I am also looking for a wireless access point to pair with a pfsense box I am building.

The Ubiquiti stuff seems more pricy when you get into the models with both 2.4 and 5.0.

How about the TP-LINK Archer C7? It can be had for 100.00.

I had a c7, it's not great. I replaced it with a ubiquiti ac access point and haven't looked back. They're not that expensive when you compare them to other decent ac stuff. It's worth it just for the reliability, once it's going you never have to think about it.