Wireguard application android corrupt

I get this weird error when I first install the official Wireguard app (note: from Aurora store, not playstore). It says the app is corrupt, will not let me continue unless I go to their webpage. Did anybody else ever get that problem? Would you like to try to replicate it? Screenshot follows:

I tried it again on a fresh profile, same issue. Installing Google Play Services doesn’t change a thing.

The official app, is from the wire guard project themselves.


There is a link to the apk download.

I haven’t heard of the Aroura store myself, but will check it out; fdroid can lack a bunch if apps, and the play store is creepy af

Finding a good VNP is hard.

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Not hard,


(Or home rolled)
Unless you wanna stream geo-blocked video, then just use any if the ones that sell the Browsing data

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I will check em out for a linux and no throttling. :slight_smile: Thanks

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I think it limits my 1gig internet down to like 700mb max on steam games. Not full gig.

But, like five bucks a month

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Second Mullvad. I have a proton plan so I switch between the two from time to time.

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I need the wireguard app cause I’m setting up a wireguard server. But I find it weird that the app reports itself corrupt when it’s downloaded through the Aurora Store. Under what kind of mechanism is that supposed to happen? It seems weird

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I recently got this error using aurora store. In f-droid wireguard app is not available at the time of writing. Apk install does solves the issue

Nice to see that I am not alone, but this issue is barely the wireguard app itself. How can ANY app get corrupted when being fetched from Aurora? Is that a security risk?

The only way I can see an app gets corrupted, that app was corrupted before it was put on the store. Curently I have issues with Alta Fiber apps on Google Play store. Non of Alta Fibers apps on Google’s Play store work.