Wiped my files and can't get out of boot-loop

I've tried to install franco kernel on my nexus 5 with cyanogenmod 11. I've accidentaly wiped my files and i am stuck in a boot-loop and can't get out. Please Help

Have you tried to get into the recovery? Are you still able to use fastboot commands?

take out battery, put it back and hold the buttons to boot into recovery.


i'm sorry i am a Noob at this. what's a fastboot-command

and yes i am able to get into recovery

i am using TWRP

then just go back into twrp and flash cyanogen again

If you can get into recovery you can attempt to reinstall cyanogenmod from TWRP (assuming you have the cyanogenmod zip on your device still) or you can use adb sideload to push and reinstall the cyanogenmod zip

ive wiped my cyanogen files.

Follow these instructions to reinstall cyanogenmod via sideloading 


it says *cannot read "ROM file"