WINE, How do you install (Among other questions)


My SSD died and I put Linux on a spare drive. I am running Opensuse 13.1 gnome at the moment and want to play the witcher 3. Also, I cannot find out how to update through the terminal. It might take up a while before they send me a replacement. I am use to KDE more but wanted to try out Gnome. Any suggestions?

zyppr in wine

That should install wine. Keep in mind the witcher 3 is pretty new check the winedb to see if it works well.

To update

zypper up

Should work. I say should because I don't have opensuse installed so this is from memory.

To install gnome... Probably

zypper in gnome

In is short for install, up for update etc you can type the full command or short hand.

To be honest I don't think Witcher 3 is going to run, it isn't on winehq yet. Why are you running opensuse 13.1?

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Good point. 13.2 is available. Should be updatable via zyppr dup if I'm not mistaken..

As for the witcher. Worth trying and adding an entry into the winedb

I tried updating through the terminal. I had a copy laying around so it was a spur of the moment distro laying around