Wine error " autostart service L "wineusb" failed to start: 1114

Trine 3 windows version downloaded from

got it running just with launching either the trine3_64bit.exe or trine3_launcher.exe file from within the default/stock location within /home/user/.wine/dosdevices/c:/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power folder

I’m trying to create a " launcher" and in the end put that launcher of that game in a Games folder and I already have that Games folder on my panel.

The problem is I can’t figure out how to successfully launch that game from within terminal to confirm that the “launcher”'s " command" is correct. I keep getting errors .

Tried the following:

wine start ~/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Trine3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_64bit.exe

wine start /unix ~/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Trine3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_64bit.exe

wine start /home/tpcs/.wine/dosdevices/c:/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_64bit.exe …

wine start /home/tpcs/.wine/dosdevices/c:/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_launcher.exe

wine start /unix /home/tpcs/.wine/dosdevices/c:/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_64bit.exe

wine start /unix /home/tpcs/.wine/dosdevices/c:/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_launcher.exe

No matter what I get the same error message of the following:

001b:err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\Registry\Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\wineusb": c0000142

000f:fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"wineusb" failed to start: 1114
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
0009:fixme:exec:SHELL_execute flags ignored: 0x00000100
Application could not be started, or no application associated with the specified file.
ShellExecuteEx failed: File not found.

Which makes no sense as be it root or not, I can navigate to that exact file and folder without a problem with nemo, but cannot cd into it from terminal ( which makes me wonder if I fix that problem…it will fix this overall problem)

Help please?

Wine --version yields " 5.0.1"

I have installed both staging and stable versions directly from winehq site per its instructions. Yes I confirmed Faudio was already installed in synaptic package manager too.

  • sigh*. I had no problem doing this with Witcher 3 ( also downloaded windows version of it from and it just works.

**update 7-3-20 ** Yes I tried the LInux native version from…the stupid thing won’t even launch…(wtf? )

I figured out a resolution in case anyone else has this game as well as a few other games. TLDR- I over thought what all was needed to run the game properly.

----- So here is how I got it working: ----------

Run the installer via Windows Program loader after making it executable as normal ( aka right clicking the setup.exe file and selecting “Open with Wine Windows Program Loader” )

After it successfully installs. Then plug in the info into lutris as follows:

—Game Options tab: ( replaced user with what you named your distro when you installed it)

Executable is /home/user/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power/Launch Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power.lnk

Wine prefix is ~/.wine

Prefix architecture is Auto (default

— Runner Options tab:

Wine version is lutris-5.7-5-x86_64 (default)

Custom Wine executable is /home/user/.wine/drive_c/GOG Games/Trine 3 - Artifacts of Power/trine3_launcher.exe

Enable " Use system winetricks"

DXVK version is 1.7L-84bb768

Enable Esync ( all other settings on Runner Options is default…leave them alone)

—System options tab: ( keep in mind I manually created the Games folder but I doubt it matters)

Default installation folder is /home/user/Games

Enable prefer system libraries and Restore resolution on game exit

Enable ACO shader compiler and Feral gamemode

Xephyr Fullscreen was enabled by default

Keep in mind depending on the future wine versions that any of this info could need changing, you might have to turn off something and turn on something else. That, unfortunately is the wild west of the Linux world.

I also got Trine 1 and 2 as well Crysis 1 ( the first obviously made/launched in 07’), Crysis Warhead and since EA/Origin finally works in lutris…Crysis 2 maximum edition and Crysis 3 working too. Hit me up if ya need help. Cheers everyone.


( Long Live Linux)

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