Windows taking way to long to boot regardless of what I do

I've tried just about everything, no I haven't yet reinstalled and that would be, ummmm, a pain and would have to be done over the summer as I need this laptop to function.

I was thinking of attempting to boot necessary processes (to run the OS) at high priority on startup, though when I do a Google search not much useful information comes up.

Anyone know how to do this, I remember reading something about it for win 7 but I don't know where that went.

also if there is a powershell solution? That would be awesome.

Gonna have to be a bit more specific there other wise its going to be a constant back and forth of saying "I've tried that"

Also is Windows slow once you are fully loaded up or is it just start up?


Check state of hard drive through SMART data?

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Format and reinstall


just starting up

i disabled some unecessary startup programs and services.

cleaned up some long overdue issues, applications misbehaving and the like (tried to reduce the impact of my antivirus on boot and the like)

made sure fastboot is enabled.

and i have to leave

just think of something that normally wouldn't need to be done and chances are i might have tried it

will attempt when i get home

I really want to, but no, not rn

Well I'd like to give you better input than that but my typical solution these days to fix a windows problem is to just format and reinstall. Much easier than troubleshooting.

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Now that you did a quick cleanup, how is the boot time?

Did you use the System Configuration ("MSCONFIG") to control what programs you want Windows to load up every time you press the start up Windows?

I have two systems: One running off of a HDD, and the other off of an SSD. The system with the OS on a HDD will cold boot to Windows in about 30-45 seconds. The system with the SSD will do it in about 15.

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Sorry I didn't reply, fell under the flu, and with it a pretty high fever
(wasn't able to look at a screen for too long and some other important issues came up)

Though I did find the issue, funnily enough this morning.
my NVidia software (the partly usable utilities they add with the Geforce Experience) got hardcore corrupted and would crash multiple times (in the background) without alerting me,
It would finally right itself after everything was loaded, but every startup it would repeat that cycle.
slowing everything down with wasted cycles

Thanks for the suggestions tho.

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