Hello there !
First post here, bug long time lurker. I apologize in advance, my english is not very good, but i’m trying :o
So, I’m sorry to bother you, but I’m hitting a wall in my homelab, between 2 W11 enterprise computer.
The relevant specs are :
First pc : 10920x - Intel x520 - I’m doing my test in ram but It’s all ssd and nvme
Second pc : small i3 8010- Intel x710 - same thing, tests are done in ram but all nvme drives.
First PC havec a single 10gb link to the network, the second have 2*10g. No link aggregation, just smb multichannel doing his things when needed.
First PC <=10g=> Ubuiquity 16-XG <=10g=> Mikrotik CRS 309 <=2*10g=> second pc
Now, when Iperf is running on the i3-8100, I have 10g in both direction, even with a single connection, no problem. BUT, when I try to copy some test file (between 4 and 8g) between the pcs, It’s very irregular and between 100 and 300mb/sec. It doesn’t matter which pc is initializing the transfert. The smb protocol is smb 3.1.1… Funny thing is, I have a nas on the CRS 309, and I can get 10gb from and to all the computers, with smb transfers. So the problem seems only when a windows is talking to another windows, only in smb (iperf3 runs great).
I tried reseting the tcp stack with netsh on both computers, differents drivers, differents settings, same stuff. Funny thing (or not) If I up/down a card, then I can get full speed again, for a few seconds to few minutes, then it’s hell again. I don’t have packet loss or anything… I played with autotuning, rss, flow control, buffer size, etc, nothing seems to really make a difference. i disabled smb encryption and compression, no change. CPU, even the small i3, I maxed during this (not even one single core).
One other thing, Crystal Mark 8 between the two is running great… I’m even more lost thing the share is using smb too.
I really don’t know what to try anymore for now…
I’ll test with 2 Mellanox X4 LX in a few days, but for now, i’m lost :o
Any help would be appreciated
Thx a lot