Windows Red (8.2)

This is definitely worth a read if you have played around with 8.1 and were disappointed.  If this were o be implemented Windows 8 may yet be saved..... 

...just use Windows7/Vista/XP, why bother with this miss-shot?

I think you mean Windows7/XP

i think it's an interesting idea... well no i don't, it's mostly what i've been saying for over a year

though they have alot of major problems in their ideas, most notibly that no-one in that entire operation understands the fundimental differences between arm and x86

Windows requires a complete overhaul of software installation process, not this BS.

It's 2013 and we are still downloading executables from browsers. I can't believe you are okay with this.

you mean like MSI package installer ?

or something more like github? 

Something like package managers in Linux.

Why should I use web browser to download software and install it manually when a piece of software is perfectly capable of doing that?

If microsoft doesn't want to make one, why no one creates an alternative to steam for software?

closed source, profit. plus that's the whole point behind portable executables. there is package managers in windows but there isn't once specific way people want to distribute their closed source software. everyone uses a different package agent and installer as well as bit packer and layers of security.  it's not impossible but since it's not community source there wouldn't be much of a repository.

Steam does distribution of closed source software (games, specifically) just fine. I see no reason why there can't be a simillar service for software.

people have to want to use them as a distributor. the developer goes to steam, which is why i said there isn't one specific way people want to distribute. ;] just like not every game developer wants to use steam to distribute.. ea has their way; origin, ubisoft has their way: uplay.. etc... it skips a middleman when they distribute themselves.