Windows PowerShell, Should I memorize everything or can i just google it as needed

Non-Unix doesn’t mean silly.

It auto capitalizes, but as demonstrated above, it’s not necessary.

Never said that, didn’t mean to imply it.

My argument is that if you actually know what you’re doing in the language, and you want to get shit done, you don’t want to have to use seldom-used keys in your commands 10x a command.

… everything. Almost at least in my experience there’s tab completion for almost every part of what your typing from functions, switches, options, variables, and paths etc.

You’re either not familiar with PowerShell or don’t understand what it does. I don’t mean to be curt or rude, but this isn’t the case in PowerShell. Like HTML, there at 1000s of tags, but most webdev uses 20. This is arguably the same case for PowerShell.

You pick up on the Verb-Noun style really quickly. I was writing PowerShell after ten days or so of learning the style. It’s not hard, and verbosity really does reinforce what you’re learning.

Make/use aliases, that’s encouraged for home-brew stuff. But it’s insanely valuable for what it is regardless of the format/style you write.

I think he’s just talking about having to hit the dash key so many times.

I don’t see how it’s different than Bash.

Regardless, I don’t want to derail this into a Linux vs Windows vs PowerShell vs Java vs C#.


If its a Windows OS/Microosft product, and you can do it in a gui, you can almost definitely do it in powershell. Most commands when you look at them you can read it and more or less know what it’s doing, which is pretty nice. It doesn’t take much to translate what you want to do from pseudocode to powershell functions