hey, so recently, well more like a couple of months, my windows home screen has been lagging like crazy. also every time i play a game explorer just crashes and i know what it is. several months ago transferred a bunch of photos from my iphone to my pc, and well i think i may have pasted all two thousand or so unto my home screen, you know where all your programs are. i only meant to transfer one photo there so i could later find the entire collection, and well basically theyre all on their, all to the right of my screen where i cant see them but i know theyre there because i can see their outlines when ever i drag my mouse there. does anyone have a solution to this?
Make the Icons smaller, than delete the photos?
just select all, then hold Ctrl, then just use the mouse scroll wheel to make them smaller. than delete them. if you have icons, that you believe are there but you can't see them, right click on the desktop, click view, then click auto arrange icons. what ever is on your desktop will be moved toward the left side of the screen. then repeat the process.
Or just Open File explorer, and click desktop. whatever is on your desktop will show up there.
This may or may not help.
Check: C:\Users\%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Open Start, type desktop or open Explorer and click desktop. That'll open the contents of the desktop in a directory.
yeah but theres more than 2000 thousand photos onto the right where i cant see them, that will take a long time to do.
that's why i said open file explorer and click desktop. that is the more efficient way of doing it. whatever is on your desktop will show up in that folder.