Windows Key Help

Having trouble finding the low cost windows key thread. Yes, I used the search.

Can you all help me out? I've got my CPU and ram in tomorrow with all my parts at the foot of my bed! 32gb patriot flash drive ready to go!


Clearly you should download and install GNU/Linux. :P

In all seriousness, I am interested in this topic as well. I fix computers as a hobby/extra money thing, and I don't really like having to pirate Windows. I am interested in possibly getting a volume license for 8.1 with bing if anyone could inform me about how to do so.

This is the particular site in question:

However, buyer beware. Use common sense with sites like these. Some of us are coming to the conclusion that these sites are selling MSDN/Technet licenses which will expire after a certain period of activations. If the key doesn't activate, the seller goes back to MSDN/Technet and submits a ticket for new license keys. The selling of the keys pays for the sellers continued access to MSDN or Technet.

This tactic is illegal, pure and simple. If the seller refuses to disclose how she/he came to get the licenses, cut bait and run.

That's my two-cents on the subject. Quite frankly, that thread deserves to be deleted and the user being banned from the site. However, we have to act diplomatically. Innocent until proven guilty.....

The prices and layout of the site make it look very not-legit. I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole.

Well crap. I went ahead and used the link anyway and it seems to be working just fine, although this does seem to be just a trial key.

I'll keep you all updated with what happens so everyone can learn from my mistakes, but for right now everything is running fine. I even downloaded Elite Dangerous with no trouble.

In response to the Linux statement: Don't worry I intend to :)

Really. Just because you "say" that you put some keys through a PD checker doesn't mean that they weren't stolen. That's like putting a fake credit card through a credit card validation program. Of course it's going to come up as legitimate. You think these guys can set the value of a Microsoft license? Sorry no. Anyone that has a legitimate Microsoft partner agreement knows that they CANNOT set the price on licensing for any Microsoft licensed software.

Maybe "Boy Genius" here needs a lesson on Microsoft licensing. Microsoft has already told Google to remove various sites from their search:

Sorry if my post is distasteful in nature, but I am in a bitchy mood tonight.