Windows Home Server Setup tutorial?

IDK linux distributions are just not my thing ... maybe even a comparison video between WHS and FreeNAS?

It looks like Windows Home Server is dead and not coming back. If you are not a big *nix person than I would get Server 2012 Standard and run everything from there. Even Server 2008/2003 would work in your case. What is your server going to be hosting? Server 2012 has the most versatility and is very well integrated with PowerShell so managing it remotely shouldn't be a very large issue. I must stress that learning a little about *nix is very much worth the effort as it is probally the most stable OS that you will ever come across. Wendell? your thoughts on this?

I mean, I do consider myself to be "tech savy" if you will and I know if I put a little bit of time in to understanding the basics I'd be fine with any distribution. Saying that Windows does have a certain "simplicity" to it that I have always loved. I have tried everything from Ubuntu to Linux Mint to Puppy OS to Ubuntu's server OS as well as others. It's just that none of them have ever "clicked" with me for a lack of a better expression. I did boot up WHS 2012 (maybe it was 2008 R2) in VMWare the other day which is why I requested a video on setup as I understood the basics but would like a video on some of the more advanced stuff. How to set it up client side to sync on a schedule, how to sync file that have been changed and not everything every single night, how to setup a Plex media server on a WHS, etc.

Try Debian Linux with Webmin and SSH. Webmin is the greatest freaking thing ever. And Debian (in my opinion) is simpler and easier to deal with than Ubuntu, I think Canonical tried to do too much with Ubuntu server.

I definitely can't argue with the simplicity and Microsoft does do that really well. There is a good Tech Net article on Windows backup. I would love to see a video on what plex can fully do as well before I drop money on a cheap rig that I can throw my stuff on.

One of the things I didn't realize about Plex is that you literally do everything in the browser. No special client is needed as long as you can get Chrome or Firefox or something. That's both a blessing and a curse at the same time...

Yeah, I only found out about Plex when they did an episode on using a Raspberry PI as a media streaming device. It works incredibly well and I have the android app on my phone as well as my tablet and it works incredibly well. One of the main reasons I'm building a WHS machine is obviously to backup my files on various computers around the house but I need something that uses a lot less power than my overclocked FX-6300 as I have to keep my main machine on at all time simply to watch a TV show or a movie.

So, can this maybe be a thing?

I'm not in a position to make a video with detailed narrations and such, but if anyone needs some help I can spin up a VPS and show y'all how I have my Plex server set up. I use FTP to upload media, but you could easily use Samba too.