Windows from laptop

I´m buildig a pc and I´m on a budget. Resently I thought if I can use the hard drive and operating system for my new pc. The laptop is a HP g6, I don´t know the model number. I would really hope that it would work becouse it would save me the two houndred bucks for a new monitor. Thanks in advance

but you haven't got that from me. Ok?:


Burn it on a dvd, and install it. (the first hit seems to be good)

Don't try to migrate your OS to new hardware, either buy a new copy or pirate it.


yea i will try that thanks :D

but it would still like to use a legal copy so if anyone would know if my first idea would work let me know 

ok thanks


forget it, just click on the first hit from the link, it looks solid. If you would have the money, I wouldn't suggest it. Good luck.

Check with warehouse computerstores, they sometime sell OEM windows for way less the normal if you buy hardware at the same time. in canada have them for about $100, newegg in USA similar price and in Australia try or

And its perfectly legal if you purchase hardware with it so buy that screen with it.

Well, what I did was, extract the OS Product key from the bottom of my laptop and use that. Downloading the OS is perfectly legal. It all comes down to how you are using it. The OS install disk has to be clean to be legal.