Windows 9 leaked!

GUYS GUYS GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, should've not done that :P


On my primary forum & tech news site there just popped up an article about a leaked Windows 9 screenrecording.
It shows the interface and start menu and a little more.

Here is the page with the video;



Looks like MS has done nothing in terms of funtionality. "Let's make a nicer UI/User-Experience and sell" that's what it looks like to me.

Windows 8.2

Was there ever any Windows NT version that didn't leak? There's so many holes in these damn' software consoles that they do nothing but leaking.... especially private information to the NSA and big corporations.

Who in his right mind would buy Windows lolz?

I personally wouldn't.
But I kind of don't have a choice, it is the most common operating system if it comes to personal computers and it is the most usable of it's kind at thist moment.
I can play all my games on it, it is very moddable and adjustable & all sorts of nice things. But yeah I wouldn't prefer Windows at all if I had a choice.
But since I don't have one it is really the only thing to use :P 

fucking more junk, sticking with windows 7 until 2020.

    I don't think they realize the biggest design flaw they have with metro. The shutdown button needs to be as close to the bottom left corner of the screen as possible!! Now they have it way up on the opposite end for 8.1. And still, in the preview here for 9, its up towards the center of the screen. STAW PIT!! It needlessly takes longer to shutdown my computer than it does to boot it up!

Windows 7, still good, I hope they get it right with Windows 10.