Windows 8 vs Windows 7

I am in queit a dillema here, my problem is that i currently have shitty windows vista and i think its time to finally upgrade but i have 60 bucks right now and i was considering buying windows 8 because its cheap

but the problem is, is windows eight really as bad as logan and wendell dicribed ? because if its just windows 7 with some shitty interface thrown onto it then i have no problem using it. but what i ask of you and why i am making this post is is windows 8 worth buying or should i save the extra money for a copy of windows 7? 

i just want to know if all my programs and steam games will work on windows 8. and if there are any big reasons to not get 8 besides the shit interface with wich i can deal with because i can just use the s\desktop thingy 

thanks in advance and sorry if this was hard to read i am from the netherlands i my english is not very great

Windows 8 has driver issues and is unpractical if you are using a keyboard and mouse. Just stick with windows 7.

Windows 8 is actually a fine OS. I'm using it on the laptop that I am replying to you with. Steam games will work just fine, just about all programs that were made for windows 7 will work just fine on 8. I've only had a couple issues when I upgraded my system to 8 but they were easily fixed, mainly just outdated versions of programs that i was using on windows 7 that needed to be updated to work on 8. If you don't like the Metro UI that you first load into on windows 8 it can be bypassed easily aswell as getting a start bar that resembles windows 7. Theres a really good $5 program that I'm using called RetroUI that makes it so you can skip the live tiles screen and load dirrectly into the desktop setting and have a familiar start menu again. Also if you want Windows 8 get it soon because the sale is supposed to be ending very soon.


driver issues as in what ? will my video card and mothrboard drivers still work ? i have a amd video card btw i know win 8 is kind of a mess right now but they probably fix the problems well they better do or im gonna be pissed

Thank you very much for your insight i think i will be getting windows 8 then because 60 euros for windows is really good deal and for that kinda money i dont really care how bad it somtimes is it will always be better then vista.... -.-'

Seems more like an opinion of someone who either hasn't tried windows 8 or just doesn't like change. I haven't had any issues with my installation of windows 8, actually the drivers inside windows 8 actually improved a few things on my machine, the wireless driver in windows 8 actually improved my connection compaired to when i was running 7. Again, if you dont like not having a start button and the Metro UI (live Tiles screen) go pay $5 for RetroUI.

Also run this tool to make sure your computer wont have any issues with windows 8:

My college suppiles their propritary laptops which run Windows 8 and we are forced to use them(with the touchpad; no touch screen). After using it for 2 months, I have got a hang of it. However there are many people who hated it because of some new stuff. It fails to become an "user friendly" os in any way and you have to unlearn some principals of Windows. I didn't find this to be a hassle though. Actually I found it fun and refreshing. However we can go over this a thousand times, but the best method would be you trying Windows 8 and seeing if it fit for you.

i just bought a windows 8 laptop and hated it even with a touchscreen so i forked up the extra $130 to downgrade to 7 pro other than asus being a winey b-------- about drivers it was the best choice i made

it did take me almost a week to hunt down every single driver due to asus not suporting downgrades and haveing the crappiest  call center ever    

Windows  8 has not realy driver problems windows vista/7 drivers are mostly compatible, as far as i know.

i run windows 8 under 7 in a virtual box.

and it works great, i rund both 64 bits os  atthe same time, what i see is that windows 8 is  faster then 7, preforms better on my amd 8350 then 7  in my oppinion. eaven whenn it only runs in a virtual box.

the diffrence between 7 and 8 are not that big the only issue is that windows 8 has metro ui, and the settings you can make  are set to basic, its not like that windows 7 aero crap. its more like xp a bit basic settings.. in my oppinion.

if you got a problem with metro ui, you can easaly set a windows 7 startmenu, there are downloads for it. that makes windows 8 with a windows 7 explorer so  you have a normale start menu, and functions, in my version of windows8 i its tweaked in and i can deside wich interface i want, and i can switch between the interfaces while i working, its cool :)


Windows 8 really isn't that bad but I had problems playing some steam games on it so I went back to Windows 7. Personally I'm taking Logans advice and I won't upgrade until at least service pack one.

yes there you right, about gaming i didnt test cause gaming will not run in virtual machine, but its not that odd ofc.

Windows 8 is a new platform, and games are based on windows 7 so yeah that can do some problems ofc. but im sure, if there is a service pack it all will be fixed.

it realy isnt a bad os, but better wait till there is a servicepack for it :) if you gonne use it to run games on

i run main windows 7 too, and i run some virtual machines with windows 8, linux mint.

i like to play a bit with diffrent osses :)

Vmware workstation 9 has directx 9, shader model 3 and open gl 2.1 support so you can do some gaming in it.

Windows 7 vs 8 reminds me of Windows XP vs Vista

In my view, metro is change for the sake of change, and I couldn't give a microcosmic fraction of a fuck for it. All though an ARM port of Windows is long over due, they fucked up when they chopped .EXE support in favor of an app store (on ARM machines). Sure you can drink the "there's nothing wrong with Windows 8" koolaid all you want, Windows 8 even has long awaited features like, accessing disk images like they were drives, easy installation, and factory reset. But they lobotomized the GUI for a market in which there failing in. If they had a cheaper version of Windows 8 that had a start menu instead of metro, I'd make the switch as soon as they rolled out service pack 1.

Personally I just finished my build and I installed Windows 8. I was going to just stick with WIndows 7 but when I figured out that I could buy a copy from my university for 20 bucks I figured why not. So far I like it, but like with almost everyone else on this thread that has used windows 8 I feel that the metro UI is kind of pointless. The only Steam game I ran into trouble with was the original Borderlands but I tried it again a couple of days later and it worked fine. Overall you are eventually going to want to upgrade to Windows 8 down the road if you get Windows 7 now so go for it especially if it is the cheaper option. 


Windows 8 is so cheap, especially compared to 7, and it runs fine, I had a couple of game issues (LA noire) when I first got it, but I got it almost on release, now that it's had some time to settle, all my games have been patched to work, and I have minimal/no driver issues, most of the issues Logan and wendell talked about have been fixed, such as metro UI and desktop not coommunicating, they do now, is switches seemlessly between the two depending on the needs of the program you are using, and, unlike most people here, I like the metro UI, it's a nice looking start menu with more functionality than the old start menu. Also, once you've gotten used to the new way of doing things, shutting the pc down for example, it starts to make more sense to do it the new way.

That's just my two cents on windows 8, hope it helped

my version of windows 8 pro x64 is a tweaked one, it boots into desktop mode, and there i can choose whatever i want to use, the new metro ui, or the old windows 7 explorer, with normal startmenu.

wenn i choose for metro, and go to desktop, then i can also , chance, between both envoirments..

so if you  dont like metro there are enough tweaks, to disable it, and run a normal desktop, with normal startmenu, like windows 7

Links to pictures from my windows 8 desktop running in virtual box!

windows 8 metro ui

Windows 8 with windows 7 explorer.

Thanks alot guy for the feed back !! i am now using windows 8/Ubuntu widnows 8 only for steam ! because most of my games on my steam are not yet on ubuntu. so i have windows 8 with the mod that it instantly boots into the normal desktop.

i also have ubuntu on a 2nd harddrive just for browsing/working its so much easier to use and much better in multitasking. but i really think this is all a taste thing some poeple like one OS and outher poeple like anouther OS, and i really hope that ALL steam games become avalible on ubuntu if that happens i dont think anybody will need windows anymore, and i hope windows will realise that there pricing on windows is insane how come indows is 100 buck plus and ubuntu is free and sometimes has a better user expeience