For some reason, video playback on website like YouTube will cut randomly to a green screen and end the video. I have no idea why, but I included a screenshot if you think you know what could be causing it.
Is your windows up to date? Skimped thru a few diff forums most poting to windows 8 updates and codecs. Maybe you're missing some. Or this have seen a lot of this suggested as well.
Yea or make sure your Chrome is up to date cause i think Chrome uses its own built in flashplayer. I personally don't have flashplayer installed and am using windows 8 and all my vids playback fine on Chrome.
Possibly. I had to uninstall ClassicShell because it wasnt playing nice with my themes. I'm using the latest version of chrome and I downloaded the current version of flash. Seems to have stopped the issue.
As to regards to the other issues that I have been having, do you have any known possibilities on how to fix them?