Windows 8 is illegal

Gabe Newell reacts to windows 8 and goes on to microsofts new policy.

I think microsoft is fucking themselves over with this policy

That applies to Windows RT not Windows 8 and Windows RT cannot be purchased anyway, it can only be put on devices by an OEM which is then sold to consumers (ex. tablets). Also, Windows RT only runs on ARM processors which makes it even more irrelevant because I'm pretty sure Steam and every single game on it does not run on the ARM architecture and likely never will given how not powerful ARM processors are in comparison to x86 CPUs.

Interestingly enough, Windows 8 is the 3rd most popular OS used by Steam users, being beat only by 7 and XP. It's also the most increasing while XP and 7 are both decreasing in usage.

XP is lossing support and also doesn't have DX10/11 and windows 8 is being put on OEM prebuilts which explains the increase, custom built computers are only a very small number computers running OSes

it has more to do with that then how well or not the OS is doing

People are only going to windows 8 because it's the only thing stores are selling. They are not going to windows 8 because they want to. At least no one with a brain would do that.

XP is going to join up with its NT predecessors and the 9x inside the tomb by next year. I can't still believe that some companies and corporations haven't made the switch to at least 7 if they want to get updates after April 2014.

well, most indie games are programmed in a language like c++.

so, assuming they wanted to have it avalible on ARM, all they would have to do is add "-m -mcpu=generic-arch" and then recompile.


i have using windows 8. i have coded for windows 8. trust me... games are going to veer away.... also ,the marketplace is sheeeit

Stop coding for windows 8 We need to keep people off windows 8. People need to know that windows 8 sucks.

Rollymaster, while Windows 8 may not be the best Windows OS ever, your opinion seems way too biased to be a plausible one.  "We need to keep people off windows 8. People need to know that windows 8 sucks."  Explain to me how one can improve an experience if you don't modify it for yourself or others, then.  I mean, if you don't want people to code for one thing, why would you want them to code for other things?  Why, instead of increasing the pleasure of your explerience with something, would you rather let EVERYONE hate something you also hate?

I see errors in 8 just as many others do.  It doesn't make it another Vista (which, outside of bias or opinions, was a bad operating system) or '95.  It just means it needs to be what? Modified to the user's desires.  You can't expect something to be to your liking as soon as you get your hands on it.  You have to work with it and mold it to make yourself happy with it.  That isn't just computing, but with everything in life.

EDIT: I should also point that, no, not all stores are selling JUST Windows 8 yet. Some stores in my area for example are yet to be selling them.  (This will change within the next week, however.)  It truly seems you're much more opinionated than you should be, basing all credibility on what you feel rather than implementing facts into your statements.  A friendly suggestion: Please make sure you have your facts straight before posting your opinion.

SECOND EDIT: I bid a satirical fuck you to you, sir. I went to 8 because I so desired.

my high school still runs xp. thank god the robotics team runs all 7, and so does my university

The issue isn't Windows 8, it's Windows RT!


You can still use sourceforge and install steam on Windows 8. But you can't run unsigned code on Windows RT. But at least microsoft is being liberal with Windows RT and you can install open source emulators from the Windows Marketplace. (unlike iOS)


If you install Start8, it's just like Windows 7. Windows RT can go die in a fire.

Other than "Windows 8 Sucks".. what is everyones issue with it? I've been using it for a while now and see no problems. On the developers' end, you can either create Win8 specific Apps that will run on RT and Desktop versions or the standard .exe programs and if you organize your projects properly you can flip flop between the two extremely easily.

 "You can still use sourceforge and install steam on Windows 8" - Why wouldn't you just install it from steam? My transition to Win 8 has been absolutely seamless with everything for me. 

The issue isn't Windows 8, it's Windows RT!" - What is the "issue". It is a mobile OS and runs mobile specific apps. 

Those saying Win 8 "sucks", if you hate change or you are just cheap (I am too) just say so instead of conjuring up hate without anything to back it up. 

Speaking from a usabilty/learning curve stand point, it's an awkward OS to use. Awkward but there are a lot of cool things, but generally they have poor implimentaiton. Thats a non issue tbh, the problem is that Windows 8 signals a "closing" of the windows operating system. They are opting to use proprietary apps and strict licensing in a fashion similar to apple. Gaben hates that, and most devs/informed endusers agree.

Have you checked the date on the article linked to in the OP? Everyone was up in arms over this...then. This was before people understood the difference between the RT and the Desktop OS or do people still not understand RT is a mobile OS? How is windows "closing"? Everyone takes a non-existing reality and gets upset over it... I don't get it. 

Microsoft OS cycle: good, bad, good, bad... and so forth. Windows 8 places a bad spot after Windows 7. Vista placed bad after XP being a good OS. You could carry on.

I think oxy put it well. It signals the close of windows I think microsoft is going the route of apple. Apple is already in the drink and with windows 8 microsoft is heading the same place as apple is already at. I don't expect apple to do anything except bitch and complain for the rest of the companies existence. I expect microsoft to head in that direction. If it wasn't for most games being made for windows i wouldn't be using windows 7, I'd switch to ubuntu in a heartbeat. I have nothing against 7, but windows hate is not windows it shouldn't be called windows because it is not windows it's a tablet os, not windows, at all.

And yes I do realize that it is now windows RT not windows 8. whatever the fucking difference is, same os to me. Yes I do hate windows 8 because it signals that microsoft is shitting the bed, and i don't want that to happen due to games. Yes i do realize games work better on windows 8 I already tried using windows 8 steam wouldn't install and neither would minecraft.

Everywhere near me is selling only windows 8. Thank you.


What was the problem you were having installing steam?

yeah good job with the spam.

It's an acquired skill.