Particularly the lack to support two windows of a specific program to be opened in separate instances.
Editing the registry will not work with the "8.1" service pack.
(right)Clicking while in the startscreen and selecting 'Open new window' will not work.
Dragging the upper window of the instance will not work.
How to actually get some productivity out of the new Microsoft OS...
Right click on program,
go to properties,
navigate to the Compatibility tab,
activate compatibility mode.
Windows 7
Do not do this unless you're running on a desktop/gaming station/notebook with an extended workspace. You may lose the new instances depending on your display defaults.
The reason I am sharing this is because I was about to return my OS due to frustrating lack of productivity.
CTRL+N opens a new window
The program tile will no longer work at opening the program from the startscreen.
I love that I have been contacting Microsoft tech support, and they had no clue... hence the failed examples of what doesn't work.
I'm sure this feature is taken away from the OS for a good reason (under-powered machines running the OS) don't break it.
I hope this helps you guys, you won't find this anywhere lol
With web browsers like firefox and chrome, browsers themselves decide how they manage their windows. As in, firefox keeps all windows in one process no matter how many you open, while chrome has a process for every tab.
I can easily run multiple instances of programs that allow it, from notepad to visual studio.