Windows 8.1 Update broke Display Port / DVI

So Windows decided to do it's glorious forced update shit when I got home today and lo and behold upon reboot my Asus vg248qe wasn't getting a picture (Error: Display Port No Signal). Switching to DVI proved no better, at least when trying to bring the monitor past 1080p60hz (Error: Please use a dual link DVI (Cable is dual link, DVI also is the one that came with the monitor))

My other 1080p monitor that is plugged into my GPU by HDMI still functions correctly. I assume the GPU and Cable are fine since I did get a picture to display off the iGPU through display port. I tried uninstalled the windows updates but no luck there either. I don't have too much important data stored on my main drive but I still don't really feel like reinstalling if it's a quick fix I might be missing.

GPU: MSI r9 280x
Monitor: Asus VG248qe
Mobo: P8Z77-V LK


And people wonder why I always say never use windows updates.

Sell that LCD and get a CRT.