We're now approaching what windows 8 should have had at launch. Thanks MS :)
We're now approaching what windows 8 should have had at launch. Thanks MS :)
- Hey guys lets make our failed mobile os the new desktop so we can maybe sell more mobile devices !
- Oh no they didn't like it ! Bring the start button and boot to desktop back !
- Oh no they still don't like it ! Quickly make some minor stuff and advertise it as a service pack !
Can't polish a turd :)
Unless they completely remove Metro and greatly reduce the number of keyboard shortcuts you have to use for simple tasks Win8 is a fail.
It's still not as good as win 7. No doubt. The point is, they're still committed, at least a tiny little bit, to their core user base and even more importantly they understand that there's a problem. Their shiny TV commercials make it seem like it's totally fixed, but of course they would do that. I'm talking about the people behind the scenes (like the UX designer who went on reddit) who know what the problem is and have in mind what they can do to fix it.
I think the best thing they could do is make windows 9 truly fantastic, rebrand windows 8 as they did windows RT, and keep separated the tablet OS and the desktop focused OS. They tried valiantly to merge to two, but imo, it was never meant to be.