I have this old computer i repurposed as a teamspeak server (2gb ram, dual core, win 8.1) with no monitor connected to it, I remote into it using teamviewer 10 on my win vista pc. I recently installed sinusbot ( a music plugin for teamspeak) but whenever I quit the teamspeak session the PC goes to sleep causing teamspeak to mute itself (no way to turn this off in teamspeak).
My question is: does anyone know how to keep this 8.1 active at all times?
mmm turn off sleep and hibernate ? A quick google will give you the specifics. Might even turn off some power saving.
what are your power settings? i know windows will goto sleep if you do not set it to where it is always on.
I already changed all my power settings to never sleep, max performance and such. Could it be because I have no monitor/kb connected?
does it sleep or become unresponsive?
It goes to sleep, the teamspeak server keeps working but the bot mutes because it goes into sleep mode (I have to enter password when I reconnect with teamviewer).
I tried it but it didn't help.
lockscreen timeout ?
What do you mea by that? I think it has something to do with teamviewer quitting the session or something.
it might be a screen saver of some kind.
Well there are no screens connected to it, it's just the w8.1 lock screen when I return so I don't think so as it kicks in immediately.
try connecting a screen to it.
I did now and it fixes it but I would like it withouth as I don't have a spare monitor and I stuff this pc away but I'll find someway or I'll just keep teamviewer open I guess.