Like most other windows 8 users, I recently downloaded and upgraded to windows 8.1. I also downloaded the latest nvidea driver (Geforce 331.58 Driver) however, upon installing and booting my pc in windows 8.1 it became apparant that in every single i played I had massive amounts of screen tearing, I have a 2x gtx 680's and an i7 3820. I tried swapped out the sli bridge that I was using and reseted the cards but nothing, im still getting stupid amounts of screen tearing, in every single game I try to play, metro Last light, Arma 2 OA etc. Help?
NVidia want's you to buy into the whole g-sync thing. They have purposefully sabotaged their own drivers! Should have gone AMD.
/tinfoilhatoff (ie, I made that up, but it makes sense!)
go into the control center for nvidia (No idea what it's called) and turn on Vsync. (Or turn it off if it's, on.)
thanks, i thought Id done that but I did it again and it worked. ty