I have to buy an OS soon and which is the better option? I know that windows 8 has awful user interface, I know this because I'm using it right now and overall I prefer windows 7 but as time passes more things will support windows 8 over 7. So my question is which one should I get. Both are the same price (OEM edition). Thanks
I'd say get the one you like more, Win8 can get you a little better performance in games, also you can make it look like Win7, but honestly if you like Win7 just get Win7.
I'd say Win 8. Overall it's an improvement on everything that matters(performance). Everything else can be changed like the windows start button, just get Start Is Back or Start8. That solves just about every problem.
If you're looking strictly ahead (secure boot, no need for older app compatibility, etc), then Win 8 with the mods mentioned by Tek.
If you're needing way back compatibility, then Win 7 Pro has XP Mode and generally runs the same.
xp mode will run in win8 and non-pro win7 aswell, you just need some extra software
i personally think it's all up to personal preference, i can deal with windows 8, but 7 is much more stable and reliable in my experiences
I only used the early beta of 8 so far, but people tell me that it's code has been cleaned up a bit (removing the crap from Vista) so it's a little less resource intensive and somewhat more game friendly.