I used the Sysprep Generalize on my old Win7 installation so it could be transplanted to my new machine. The transplant went fine, and a few reboots later I was using my old applications.
The problem came when Windows decided to update more drivers. The updater seemed to freeze, and upon reboot all USB connectivity is gone. Keyboard and Mouse work in BIOS, but as soon as WIn7 loads they are unresponsive.
Is there a way to repair Win7 drivers without reinstalling and without being logged into Win7? I do not have the registration key anymore.
Things I already tried:
- System Restore. Not sure how far I went back, but my only Restore point did not fix the problem.
- Safe Mode, this did not work either.
- Check UEFI for Legacy USB compatibility. Yes it is enabled.
Have you tried the keyboard and mouse in different USB ports? I have had these be fussy before despite drivers being properly installed.
Yep, unfortunately no dice on any of the 2.0 or 3.0 ports.
Do you have an adapter to use the PS/2 port? That will almost certainly work. Otherwsie you could try safemode.
I'll try to buy a PS/2 adapter tomorrow.
Safe Mode did not work at all. I assume Safe Mode shares it's copies of the drivers with the rest of the OS, instead of having it's own private copies, and they got nuked (I think).
Thats kinda odd, USB2.0 basicly should work out of the box normaly.
Anyway, with a tool like magical jellybean you could read out the Windows7 license key from your current install.
But if your current Windows 7 install is a OEM license you will be deactivated anyways.
So that could be your next problem you gonne have to deal with.
If your Windows 7 license is a retail, then youre fine.
A clean re-install of the OS after upgrading to a diffrent platform is allways the best thing to do.