Windows 7 to 10

Hi i have been debating what os to get for a while now (for the gaming pc i am building) was going to go with windows 8.1 but now that windows 10 will be free upgrade on windows 8.1 and 7 i was thinking of going for windows 7 as its cheaper than 8.1 and i will still be able to get windows 10 as a free update correct ? basically the main point of this is too make sure i'm not making a bad decision here, i will still be able to get windows 10 at the windows 7 cost  please tell me if i'm wrong here or right ? thanks :) 

there is person on this forum that sells legit windows 8.1 keys for 10$

Edit: apparently he is not selling keys right now, but win8.1 is better to go with and it uses less resources

But if i go for windows 7 i can save myself about £20 and still be able to upgrade to windows 10 for free

win 10 might come out in a 2-3 years, what specs is your pc?


ooh really i didn't realize that  i thought it was latter this year 

msi 970 gaming mob

amd fx 6300 

8gb hyper x ram 

R7 260x  gbu right now but going to get a better gpu later on 

(sorry for the late reply) 

windows 8 is much more efficient than 7 regarding how it uses components

+1 on Win 8.1

It gets a lot of shit but I have had no problems with it. I have it now on 3 different machines. 

10 will be out in late 2015, what are you talking about?

i checked it and they announced that just a couple of days ago, that it will be ate late 2015