Can anyone link me a download for win 7 prem 64bit Please? I am upgrading some work machines.
Please note: I have legitimate codes for the operating systems, I am not interested in using creaked or iligitimate software. I just don't have the installer.
Also, I do have a home premium disk. Can this be used instead?
Are the disk one time use? Or can they be used more then once on the same machine?
The disk should have unlimited uses. Good luck.
make a bootable flash drive and copy the files from your home premium disk, open the sources directory on the flash drive and delete the ei.cfg file, boot from the drive, when asked choose your edition of windows.
edit: nm the home premium disk is the correct one and doesn't require the above.
Got two win8, have a dell optiplex 780 next to my pc. Optiplex be chill'in?
Thinking rather do a server/pfsense or linux machine.
So will a home premium disk install windows professional with the correct activation code?
Just want to make sure because I tried using an ultimate installer but that wouldn't work
I tried that when I first faced the problem. But the codes are Dell OEM from about 5 years ago and to try and get the installer I would need to contact head office which would then install horrible software into the machine which we don't want. So we really need to get an installer separately.
Just checking with a mod to see if I would be breaking the rules by linking a mirror of an old download site that was licensed by microsoft. Kind of a grey area of legalality
This is on @Destroyed007's head if this is against the rules but here is the mirror of downloads that used to be licensed by Microsoft for most of the images.
Not sure about the legality but take it as it is. These are the exact same files Microsoft used to provide.
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Great Cheers. I will download it when I get home. Thanks for your help.