Windows 7 pc won't launch to desktop

Pc has worked fine for almost two years. When I turn it on it says "one of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue."

I allowed this process to be carried out a few times but each time it didn't work, each time restarting and giving the same message. If I cancel the disk check, the computer doesn't get past asking for the password.

Does anyone have a solution?

is this a laptop? you could try a repair disk if you have your OS disk put it in and use the repair utility but it is possible the drive has gone bad.

It's a desktop, I have a windows instillation disk?

Your HDD is failing and is going to die soon. If you don't have important data on it, there is no need to worry, you will just need to reinstall the OS. However, if you have important information, then you need to act quick and try to recover it. I'm not entirely sure how, but I think you could look at booting your computer into linux using a usb drive and then accessing the HDD that way. If it is in really bad condition, you might have to send to a company to have your data recovered.

I don't have any important data, so just buy a new HDD and reinstall windows?

Yes and after you have the new disk in and are booted then you can shut back down and restart with the other disk in and try and recover anything you can IF you can. Good luck