Windows 7 or Windows 8

Hey guys now that the release date of Windows 8 it's closer I was wondering what are your thoughts about it will it be worth to update to Win 8 or it may be better to stay with Win 7. I came with this question because I consider myself a gamer and I'm pretty concerned because I've read the opinion of people saying that stuff like Steam might not be available for Win 8 and I believe that would be pretty upsetting.

I would stick with windows 7. I personally hate the new metro interface, and what I hate even more is that you cannot permanently disable it and they have removed the windows start menu that we know. I would look out for steam comingto linux (if you like linux), in general though I would just stay away from windows 8 unless its on a tablet device (its perfect for tablets, sucks balls for PC's)

I would second that. The only thing I do like about Windows 8 is the optimization for low-spec devices (I have an old netbook that has 512MB of RAM and an Atom CPU and it runs extremely smooth.)

Stick with Windows 7. You will be glad you did.

I can't stand metro and this new "overhaul" as they call it. Sticking to Windows 7 Ultimate.

Windows 8 really isn't too bad. I've been testing on it for work and the only glaring differences I've noticed are the Metro UI and the lack of a start menu button. I won't be upgrading though. It's an OS optimized for touch screen devices and there's no reason to have it on a PC, unless you have one of those fancy touch screen monitors.

I am a Microsoft beta tester, and have been for a while and was estatic when Microsoft decided to really listen to us when they designed windows 7.  It was appealing visually, stable, and user friendly...


But those days seem to be over as the company seems to be ditching both business and gamers to join in in the IPAD ripoff generation. I do not personally want a pad of any sort beyond my Kindle reader, contunious connectivity is burdomsome and tedious to people who need time and energy to think and plan for the next Ideal thing.

I have friends who have injured themselves texting while driving/walking,  Even injured themselves walking through their homes being distracted watching a vid on a phone,  WTF people...

you can try it out of course see what your personal pref is with the system, but its aimed too much at tablets and touchscreen use, tbh i think it will affect Microsoft in a big way, (Hoping w9 if released is back to desktop function or linux takes over) but tbh stick to Windows 7 and enjoy it while its still here :) 

I said this before, this is all under people's personal preference. But I'll see what's the RTM got over the last builds.


Stick with Windows 7.

I tried out the Windows 8 Consumer Preview, and I hated it. When it boots up you have to slide a pretty picture out of the way with your mouse before you can log in (like flipping up a lock screen on a phone). Then, in order to log into Windows 8 you have to log into your Windows Live account. I never tried it out, but it seems like you're going to have to have internet connected at all times in order to log into your desktop, plus Windows Live is just another annoying piece of DRM they're trying to integrate into the operating system.

Once you get passed that, it brings you to the Metro UI, which is supposed to have the applications you use the most displayed so you can easily click on them. I found that the Metro UI usually just displayed applications I never used and advertisements more than anything that was actually useful. You can click out of Metro to get to your desktop, but there is no start button, which makes it a little difficult to find things like the Control Panel, which can be found in one of the side bars that appears whenever you bring your mouse to one of the four corners of the screen on your desktop.

Windows 8 is basically a bunch of extra bloatware added to Windows 7.

I for one, am already sick and tired of the Windows 8 ''hype'' or ''hate''. I also am tired of companies, NOT listening to the consumer, and just going along with what they want FORCING the public at large to conform.

And the sad part of this, is that WE DO.

We sit back, and take it, bitching and complaining the entire time, and yet, eventually, once we're used to it, CAUSE WE'RE FORCED TO BE, we are forced to change yet again.

We saw it with Apple. Hell, it's even one of their former CEO's mottos from what I've read. We do what we want, tell the public what they want, and they'll take it because we said it's worth all this money.

That's how alot of companies are doing it, and since Apple and the few companies like it have been successfull with this business model for many years now, other companies like MICROSOFT - who used to tout that PC's are versatile, and customizable, and so was their PC experience - are starting to jump on that same business model bandwagon.

And where the hell is Linux in all of this?

Wasn't Linux supposed to be the big "Windows killer" back in the day? I thought Linux and it's ''open source'' was supposed to take the industry by storm. Putting big companies out of the loop because people could customize their operating system to how they wanted?

Instead, Linux barely is capable of running many of the most popular games, or running the most modern GPU's in respect to that. Yeah, Linux servers have come a long way, and many corporations use it for that such reason.

I am tired of this crap, I am tired of being told what I want, and how i'm gonna get it.

I want a company, or operating system to give me the freedom to use my PC exactly how I want. Without having a bunch of bloated software. Without telling me I can run this and I can only run that.

Also, Windows 8 if it does take off, will ruin the PC gaming market as we know it. And being able to play how we want, will soon become something of the past.

Well I will definitely stay with Win 7, reading all the stuff you wrote made me realize that I'm not the only one thinking that way. Win 8 it's trully designed for mobile devices and as it seems Microsoft forgot about us PC users and what makes me feel sad it's that I like Windows even with all it's crashes and stuff haha. But to be honest if Linux improves gaming and they get all Steam games working I would really consider going to Linux. I was really dissapointed that Microsoft forgot about what we the PC users really like

I am about to go to bed so not reading this whole thing but...

Totally stick with Windows 7. I tried Windows 8 and it took me 15 minutes and a google search just to figure out how to turn the computer off. This is coming from someone that has never had a problem trying to do a simple task an any piece of software. Windows 8 isn't really even that great of an OS for a touch device let alone a keyboard and mouse.

Windows Vista was one hell of a bad ass OS compaired to Windows 8. This is all you should need to know to stay as far away from Windows 8 as possible.

Actually you don't need to sign into a Windows Live account or even have one. You can still use Local accounts.

Solution: create your own OS. Otherwise be happy with what other people are turning out.

Windows 8 blows, tried it for a day, couldn't stand it.

Stick with Windows 7, unless Microsoft gets their heads out of their asses and stops the BS.

Even if Linux gets Steam, which it will, it may be difficult to get the same performance gaming wise compared to Windows unless GPUs get more support/DX in linux... 

Although personally, I prefer the Mac OS (don't hate me) I have turned my gaming tower into a Hackintosh quite successfully...

I see many people on this forum saying to stick with windows 7 but not upgrade. I am building my computer this weekend and windows 8 comes out the friday after I build it. I was wondering if it is better to buy windows 7 or windows 8 if you don't already have an OS. Note: I don't have a touchscreen monitor and I plan to use the computer for basic needs such as schoolwork along with gaming. Any response would be awesome!

Where's the Windows clone/compatible OS's!? We were able to do it with MSDOS. Imagine where React OS ( would be if showed it the same support Linux and BSD get.

I'm staying on Windows 7 because it;s already on my PC and I'm cheap

Win 7.  I'm not going to give you reasons.