Windows 7 Bootable USB BSOD 7B [SOLVED]

Hey guys,

I recently upgraded my brothers PC. However now i can't get it to boot no matter what i do it will throw 7B at me.

Specs are as follows:

Mobo: Sabertooth Z97 Mark 1 Bios v2012

CPU: i5 4690k stock

GPU: Gigabyte GTX 970

RAM: Two random 4GB sticks of ram that were in his old build checked to be fine.


So far i've tried a couple things including booting from a usb drive with fresh windows but the UEFI version won't boot at all while the BIOS version will boot for about a second and then bsod to 7B.

Any insight would be much appreciated!

Probably installed windows in IDE mode instead of AHCI and then the BIOS/UEFI put it to AHCI mode.

Go into BIOS and set the mode to IDE and try to boot. If it works then google AHCI hotfix and run and install that. Then reboot - change back to AHCI in BIOS - and problem should go away.

If not that then I'd run a Hard drive test if it's mechanical. 

Is there any other drives that had an OS installed and perhaps left behind a Boot MGR or GPT that may be interfering with W7 MBR? 

Also you made sure that the Sata connector for the hard drive is installed in the Sata 0 connector?

Usually that makes my boot drive as the 1st in the boot hierarchy.

This happens when booting from a flash drive with a fresh image also but i'll try your suggestion again

There's a ssd and a hard drive with windows 7 images installed, i tried unplugging either to boot with the other but no luck. I've also tried directly selecting a USB flash drive to boot from the UEFI with the exact same error and behaviour as with either ssd or hdd.

Totally didnt notice that part of the title... the big USB... lol. Yeah sounds like maybe something screwed up with the boot partition or tables.

Do you have a way to test any of the drives on another known good system? I'd do that and narrow down what the culprit is.

I'll put the drives into my own system tomorrow and See what happens. I even have the same model of motherboard

Hey guys, i just plugged the drives into my own rig and surprisingly encountered the same boot issues as on my brothers pc.

I went ahead and wiped both drives from my working PC and now it's installing windows again!

Thanks everyone for your help, i'll mark this thread as solved in case anyone has simillar issues.

Awesome man. Glad to hear it.