Windows 7 aero lag?

It looks so choppy when I close any open window. I mean, it's not like a big heavy chop.. but... ugh.. You guys know what I mean.. There's a difference! It's slower..I have dual monitor setup and when i open foobar and play muisc on one display i can see lag while dragging windows on second display.. I did try amd drivers 13.4 and new beta drivers 13.6...It's the same.I am starting to think that my PSU is problem here.Do you guys have any ideas??? 

My specs:

Gigabyte Z68M-D2H

Intel Core i5 2500 @ 3.8 GHz

Cooler Master: Hyper 412 Slim

16 GB 1600 Mhz DDR3

Kingston 60GB SSDNow V+200 SSD

1TB WD Black 

1TB WD Blue

Gigabyte Radeon HD 7850 2GB OC Edition 

Thermaltake Litepower 600W PSU

test your ssd those v200 series ssd's where notorious for being fulty (over heating,bad firmware,controler dieing for no reason)

I don't think ssd is problem...I run Windows 8 without any problems.

How exactly do you think the PSU is the problem? Have you tried a benchmark or game? It's most likely a driver issue, directx issue or windows itself.

Games run fine. Every driver i try its the same..

I was thinking that my PSU is insufficient...

If your psu was insufficient the computer would of crashed by now, not slowed down