So I was watching the windows 10 event today and was very interested in the streaming to any windows ten device. I am both a console and pc gamer and this streaming almost defeats the purpose of having a console now. By the looks of it you can used your mouse and keyboard to play against console players. To me this seems like an unfair advantage. You can kill people in fps games a lot faster with a mouse and keyboard than a controller. Can someone that you will be able to use mouse and keyboard on the stream? The reason I bought a console was because I want to play against other console players not pc gamers at the same time.
My guess, is that for this type of streaming it would be semi-intelligent, I.E. it would be able to require you to connect your Xbox One controller to your PC to stream. As I noticed when they were playing Fable 3, showing this off it looked as though he needed to use a controller to play. But I'm not sure. What I'm interested in is just using my PC to stream to the Xbox for better FPS and graphics ^.^ since the Xbox One is graphically challenged.
It's interesting that you bring that up I didn't think about it that way. I am also curious now if companies like EA will release madden on the PC so we can take advantage of the graphics and power to really improve some of these games.
I wouldnt worry about it. There is no way the XBone can handle streaming to the PC if it can't handle streaming 1080p 60 fps games.
If that was the whole reason you bought a console, you messed up big. You know you can get adapters for Keyboard and Mouse for console? Right?
Also Xbone is not a Win10 device so the streaming not as universal as it may seem. So a PC looks like it will not be able to stream to an Xbone. Making that feature kind of redundant. I cannot fathom why you would want to stream PC games to a Phone, a tablet sure but not a phone.
In the reveal thing, he was not using a keyboard and mouse to play xbone games on PC he had to use a controller. I would imagine microsoft have thought of this and have made it so the xbone app will only work with a controller. It will likely be running on DX12 so they can make it controller only and the streaming probably relies on the DX12 libraries, which is why we cannot have it on Win7/8.
Hold on a sec, Windows 10 is coming to the Xbone...granted it wont be the same windows as on the pc, but it should be interesting to see how they work streaming out.
I use Steam In-Home-Streaming, to Stream my PC games to my Dell Venue 8 Pro which has an ATOM cpu. so just no.. the Xbox can handle PC streaming just fine..
um. Can the XBONe handle streaming TO PC. Not PC --> XBONE. It is XBONE --> PC. If the Xbone can't even do 1080p 60 fps, what makes you think it can handle 1080p or 1440p?
dude, to stream, you really just need a quad-core and a good internet connection. Xbox satisfies those requirements. do you understand that streaming is less taxing then actually playing 1080p gaming?
In the case of Game streaming, it STILL requires the GPU to crunch the numbers. That is why you stream from a powerful gaming desktop to a weak laptop. Not Weak to Strong. If this were just video, then sure. But, we are talking about video games. Input is still sent back and forth. Unless the PC has the game content disc in the drive, the PC is not the one rendering. It is just receiving and displaying the feed. In the screen resolution I might add.
it'll display the resolution anyways it doesn't matter. there is an 8-Core APU in the Xbox, the xbox won't render the game, it is just displaying the gameplay over the network. do you forget that AMD has great graphics performance on those APUs? you are making it seem as if the Xbox is incapable of Gaming at all, it's a console that's what the hell it's made for, gaming. it doesn't compare to a Gaming PC in the slightest in terms of performance, but it has the juice to stream games. 8-Cores, and AMD graphics. shit that is the whole bloody point of streaming games! to play your games on low-end hardware. my tablet has lower specifications and does not perform at ALL like an xbox in any department and if my weak tablet can have my PC games streamed to it, the xbox will be perfectly fine.
I think you are missing his point again. The Xbox would handle all the game play. The game would be entirely rendered on the Xbox so like he said can't handle 1080p at 60fps, then the Xbox would encode the gameplay to a video stream, and the stream would then show up on your pc. The pc doesn't have to have great specs at all, all it is doing is taking the video stream displaying it, and sending back user controls to the Xbox.
Regardless, at this point in time, their streaming does work pretty well, even over wireless n supposedly (friend works at Microsoft and has access to this already). Also friend stated that the plan from what he knows right now and what is currently implemented is that you will have to use a Xbox controller that is hooked up to your pc in order to play the games.
From what he has figured out is that the streaming is not as customizable as steam in home streaming, but it handles its auto configuration of streaming well and the performance for him (Xbox to Surface Pro 2 for Xbox streaming and 2 year old intel based gaming computer to Surface Pro 2 for Steam streaming) is basically the same quality for both of them. Of course the PC is able to stream better looking games, but once the game gets to a stream on the network, that doesn't make much difference compared to less high graphic quality games.
So, you are saying that if I take an XBONE and stream to my PC that has a 4k panel, there will be NO issues? Or a 1440p panel? It will stream full resolution? I love AMD products but the dual jaguar Quads making the APU an Octo-core are 1.8GHz CPUs. Nowhere near the performance of the FX series 8-cores. Are you trying to tell me that a mobile 8-core is as powerful as a Desktop 8350 or 9590? If you are, you need to get checked out. Sure, the XBOne can stream to a tablet just is a 5" - 10" screen. No big deal there. It is the same concept as putting a weak ass GPU in a PC system and hooking up a 32" 1440p or 4K panel and expecting the GPU to push full resolution, 60fps on a panel that big with that level of pixel density.
While it might be nice to stream games to the PC from the console so we can play Halo, I find it hard to believe the XBOne can handle streaming to the PC at full resolution. Plus, trying to run in over Wifi? Really? There is NO 802.11 ac chip in that console so how can you expect wireless streaming to work right? As we have seen with Steam-in-home-streaming, you want either an AC-Wireless network or a Cat5/6 network.
I'm talking about streaming 1080p games PERIOD, streaming from Xbox to PC. it's going to display the Resolution of the Game that the Xbone is playing. which for most games on the Xbone are 1080p or 720P to the PC. Streaming from PC to Xbox, my only experience with streaming Higher Resolutions is using the VSR built in to AMD Catalyst which as of now the highest resolution on AMD's VSR is 3200x1800. and that worked on an atom CPU streaming 3200x1800 gamed resolution from PC to 8 inch windows tablet the only issue is that the resolution didn't scale it shows black bars BUT IT WORKS and is playable, but that also happens on the PC as well so its more of an AMD issue, unless Microsofts Streaming software is taxing as shit, it will work. streaming 4k or 3k resolutions, most of it depends on your internet connection, but it should be able to do it, the point i'm trying to make is that to stream, you don't need an insanely powerful CPU, or GPU. and that the APU built into the Xbox will able to stream 1080p 60FPS which is what you keep continuing to disagree with. and with my experience with AMD's VSR which lets me play my PC games at 3200x1800, worked when i streamed my PC games to my 8 inch atom based tablet which is WEAKER than the 8-core inside the Xbox one.
On the topic of Windows 10, how will the free upgrade work? Will you have to run a program that verifies you're on 7 or 8.1 then spits you out a Win10 key?