Hey Guys,
I haven't seen this mentioned on here yet and most people seem to only be using the standard version of windows 10.
I've been going through the system to see what all has changed and I noticed that by default windows is set to allow other people to download updates from your PC not just over LAN but also over the internet!
It does at least give you the option to turn this off.
To get to this just search for "Advanced windows update Options". I'm not sure if this is on non Pro versions.
Yeah they use P2P protocol (the same as torrents use) to distribute updates. Not sure but I would assume that it is in the non pro version. It sounds like the type of feature that is targeted towards home users.
MS really screwed us with updates this time. They even went as far as removing the updates menu from control panel altogether. When I heard that updates were mandatory, it was said that it would be for home versions. They didn't say that Pro only got to delay updates.
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Microsoft is using torrents to update software
Torrents are only used by pirates
Therefore Microsoft are pirates?
Rock solid logic for sure
But there are a couple of comprehensive guides on interwebs on all of the hidden crap in 10, and where to find it and turn it off
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