Windows 10 or windows 8.1

so i gotta reinstall windows because i messed up terribly - Ruined my windows

Now what should i install since this is a fresh start. Im used to windows 8.1 with a ton of customizations i did, i was considering maybe windows 10 is better graphically? is there any advantage over windows 8.1 to windows 10?

I too have privacy concerns about windows 10 so I'm leaning towards 8.1 but for performance purposed is 10 at all any better?

side question - what do you use?

Windows 10 for DX12 and driver support + security


Well yeah the support for Windows8.1 will come to an end at some point.
Because Microsoft wants everybody on Windows10.
Basicly both operating systems have their pro´s and con´s.
However if you currently have a legal Windows8.1 license i think it would make more sense to stay with that untill support ends.

In my opinnion Windows8.1 and Windows10 are pretty similar.
The main diffrence is that Windows10 has a start menu again.
But more importantly, it has support for DX12, which will be for the future of gaming.

If you have to buy a new license anyway, then i think it would make more sense to directly go with Windows10 tbh.
Microsoft has backported most of the telemetry tracking that is in Windows10 back to 7 and 8.1 anyways.
And there allready was telemetry in Windows8.1 originaly anyways.

The big downside of Windows10 is privacy.
They monitor everything you do.
But like i said, if you want to keep your Windows 7 or 8.1 up to date.
You have to except that telemtry tracking to be backported to you anyways.
And in that case, you pretty much could just verywell just take your loss on privacy and go with Windows10.

Or you could go with a full Linux install as your main OS.
And then run Windows10 in a kvm, and only use it for gaming and certain Windows based applications.
However then you gonne need a pretty powerfull system.

I personaly dont like Windows10 atall, and as far as Windows8.1 is concerned i never bottered with that.
I stay on Windows7 for the time being, untill its time to change.
But i dont like Windows10 myself because they decided to go directions with it, which i dont agree on.


my system i7 4790k overclocked@ 4.8hhz , sli gtx 970's , would it be able to kvm windows 10 then game on it?

And windows 7 graphics are a step down it's almost a 10 year old o.s .

Since you are doing gaming, you should definitely install Windows separetly for maximum performance

i barely game though i just want my hardware to not be capped at software

You can but it is an advanced process....You can expect equal time to spend as you did wiht the booting issues...

that's gonna cut into my recreational gaming time i barely get to play games as is. I should just go with windows 10? @turin231

In practical temrs sure...But mind you Win10 is doind worst data mining than android and google services do (excluding the search engine). And win10 can be annoying cause they are doing a lot of stuff without asking...

You can block a good deal of all that...There are guide and programs around but you will never manage to block everything. So have that in mind. If it is an issue I would say stay with 8.1 until support ends before upgrading.


If you're at all worried about privacy you're better off using 8.1
The only thing windows 10 has to offer as far as graphics that 8.1 doesn't is DX12

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Though, I thought Microsoft has/is adding the same 'spying' abilities they have in Windows 10 into Windows 7-8-8.1, anyway?

They are not fully there yet...But they are adding them gradually..

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Im not even gonna update it then?

I know microsoft is scum. They should focus on making the o.s better but i guess it's not their agenda.

What security its a walking deathtrap.


I use 8.1 because it has the speed of the new NT kernel series but with a bit of hacking into it it runs amazingl on anything you can put it on. If it didn't need NX it would even be on my Pentium M laptops and probably run stupidly well there.

Its memory management is top notch, its search has never faulted on me, its still in support, and it has the adaption scripts built in so that if you have to move your hard drives to another machine wam bam thank you ma'am 2 reboots and you're golden.

Now compare that to linux and I'll be here all day. I'd just say use linux 100% instead but who am I kidding :P I'm the only one insane enough to do that.

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You can always do that, but it's always tricky because then you'll be left without security fixes that could fix vital flaws that have been found or exploited. I think some do go through their updates one by one and find out what they do, but my god that's a lot of work just to install a few updates, lol.

I mean yes of course there is programs to help shut of the 'phone home.' But Microsoft is being a royal ass and keeps activating them during updates.

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yeah that's what i did before lol

Age doesn't really matter when it comes to graphics. Windows 7 graphics are a step down from Vista's graphics too.

With 7 and 8.1, you can still install security updates only. Whether or not MS will sneak telemetry spyware in those is another question. They've put Win10 advertisements in a 7/8.1 security update before.
Even with the new "all-in-one" update system going into effect as of next month, with 7/8.1 you can still tell Windows Update that you want the security update only.

As for DirectX12, LTT recently did a video on that (hosted by Luke, so you can watch it without feeling the urge to throw stuff at your screen). At this point in time DX12 is a mess and not always an improvement over DX11 even. So DX12 support shouldn't be a factor, at least not for the next year or two.

It is no more secure despite Microsoft's claim that it is the most secure OS ever (Satya, if you're reading this : only time can tell whether or not an OS is secure. Just because your code monkeys added some security features doesn't mean that it has fewer vulnerabilities than a previous OS which had much less code and hence less stuff that could be exploited.)

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Thanks so much for your contritbution. I found alot to agree with.