Windows 10 - New Preview Build (Tiny Review/Run Down)

So Microsoft has dropped their new preview build [If you don't already know how to get ahold of it go to PC settings--> Update and Recovery--->Go to Preview Build and Click Download]

So far they have added a few minor Tweaks to the OS.

Here's a Few I've noticed so far,

  1. Notifications Bar - There is now a Notifications button on the taskbar (Possibly to Integrate Windows Mobile Notifications and Potential Metro App Notifications as Well)
  2. Touch Keyboard (If you are a Tablet user) [FINAL FUCKINGLY, as you click a textbox the touch keyboard comes up, instead of having to click the textbox, then click the keyboard button on the taskbar]
  3. BATTERY SAVER - if you are a mobile user there is now a battery saver feature  that helps your device gain a bit of battery by turning off the tiny bit of non-sense that continuously runs in the background. (This option is on Automatically but if you wish you can manually turn if off it you so desire.) ALSO I forgot to mention you can set When you wish to turn Battery Saver on, so for example if your device or laptop is at 10 percent you can set it to say "Hey at 10% run the battery saver" so this is really nice.
  4. DATA SENSE - it's a little setting on "PC Settings" that tells you how much data you've used whether you are on Wi-Fi or on Celluar Data. this feature mainly is used for Cellular Data Services though, as there are also features in this setting to restrict background data, restrict background data whilst roaming, and to show how much total data has been used on your specific device
  5. Window Animations - There are Windows Animations now, if you minimize a window it will do an animation like slide a bit in to the taskbar (similar to what you would see on some Linux Distros and Mac OSX)
  6. Virtual Desktops - It's much smoother, (you can at least get some modicum of Mult-tasking done if need be)

Minor Bugs that I've Noticed (That have arose) or Still have not been fixed

  1. On Tablets Using Metro Apps Swiping up and Down still doesn't work
  2. some Metro Apps don't load in Full Screen (this is understandable since there is a focus on Desktop users, but Microsoft is still promoting the Laptop/Tablet Hybrid so this needs to get fixed)
  3. Some Apps don't launch unless you keep the Screen in Landscape mode.
  4. Some Apps don't Go to Fullscreen, even when you click the top left button on the app's taskbar to do so.
  5. Scaling is still Ass.

So that's about it. anyone else tried this out yet? Thoughts??

Also if you found some extra stuff I haven't mentioned post it below.

Thanks for the update.

I'm giving Windows 10 some time to develop before jumping in.

also forgot to mention that there is an application that was added entitled "Docking Controller" that i have no clue what it does cause that app refuses to open.

I have been using Win 10 as my main since the 3rd - and the only other issue i have found is if you use remote pc to connect another computer ( I controlled my desktop with my laptop - also using win 10) when you revert back all the window borders freak out and you have to hard restart the computer.  If I had to guess I would put this down to my desktop having a resolution of 1080p and my laptop using 1366x768

yeah it's sounds a bit strange. it doesn't freak out with splashtop from experience.