Windows 10 includes some cool games!

Ok I dunno what 8/8.1 was like as well I used it briefly, but 10 allows you to log in with your XBOX account and play Microsoft games with achievements, I also have the Professional edition of Windows 10 because I was a 7 Ultimate customer, so I am unsure if the games are limited by what edition you have.

See when i'm too tired or not on point for Counter Strike... and can sit back and play stuff like Solitaire and other games and achieve pointless achievements which I find pretty cool TBH.

Does it include minesweeper?

not sure about minesweeper by mine auto installed solitary, to which i promptly uninstalled.

Ha lol. Solitaire is a fremium game. You can pay Microsoft to unlock more solitaire games. But you can't buy them onle subscribe for a month or year.

Epic fail.

no chips adventures? boooh :P

Heh, just another advertisement thread sponsored by Microsoft.

Nothing to see here, really.

Did you just say I work for MS?