Hi, so I reinstalled Windows 10 because of a motherboard swap I completely deleted and formatted the hard drive partition for a fresh install installed all my programs back then did a sfc /scannow and got:
After that I reinstalled Windows 10 again and got the same thing. I got curious and did the scan on my laptop same thing... on my previous install before I swapped mobos I never got this should I just leave it maybe it's a Windows 10 issue that won't cause further problems down the road and will be fixed via a update? Thank you, Should I post the CBS.log?
And now I'm getting this :/
Your hardware has changed so much, in a short period of time, that your license may have been disabled. The license on OEM boards such as laptops is burnt in. So you are now dealing with a separate license I believe. Call MS about this.
It's my desktop actually the laptop is okay It just has the sfc scan issue while my main desktop has the sfc scan issue and now the activation issue I came from a windows 8 licence.
Just reinstall 7 and be happy you aren't be constantly spied on, well, spied on more than usual anyways.
yep, microsoft sends your machine code id that's always the same no matter how many fresh installs you make to the microsoft servers so it can identify the same machine, aka you, over and over again. but i guess when you swap mobo's it too much of a hardware change and the machine ID no longer matches
Thanks everyone, I ended up going back to Windows 7 maybe I'll update back when Windows 10 gets more stable.