Win8.1 Wallpaper on 2nd Screen change after switching Screen

Hey there guys,

so I got the following Screen Setup @ my home:

on my Desk there are two Screens, [Main] and [2nd] Screen.
Besides that, I connected an[other Screen] on the Sideboard in front of my Couch so I can watch movies and play games over it, if I want to.

I set 2 different wallpapers on the [Main] and the [2nd] screen.
[Main] w/ wallpaper 1 and [2nd] w/ wallpaper 2.

Everytime i switch the Screen to the [other Screen], the [Main] and [2nd] Screen Turn off.

Wallpaper 1 is shown of [other Screen].

When I switch back to my Desk screens both, [Main] and [2nd] Screen, showing wallpaper 1. So I have to set wallpaper 2 on [2nd] Screen again.

Is there an option to "fix" this?

Hope you get my writing :D I tried to make my setup understandable for you :)

Thanks in advance.

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