Ok, so my case im getting is a cubitek mini cube. It has no optical drive bay, so i was going to buy an external one. It requires drivers, that come with it. Can you install drivers while no os is loaded when in the BIOS? Also, after that, will i be able to install win7 on this:(the one im buying) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16827151263
do you have a flash drive you can use?
I dont right now, but can I do it my way?
just use a usb
Use a usb drive or buy a cheap usb(2.0)optical external drive i got one 10years ago it works on enything ---usb 3 stuff needs drivers
I dont have one that i can use. Again, is it possible, yes or no?
that external is usb 3.0 it needs drivers installing http://www.amazon.com/External-Combo-CD-RW-Burner-Drive/dp/B006DUDWXI/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1364943476&sr=8-7&keywords=external+usb+dvd+drive
plug-and-play drive no drivers needed it will just be sean as a dvd when you boot up the computer
probably not if it needs drivers
Its plug and play?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=20-233-158&ParentOnly=1&IsVirtualParent=1 Will this work too?
any usb 2.0 will work
dude just go to walmart and pick up a 8gb flash drive it's like 7$