Anyone have any idea what’s going on here? It’s on a Lenovo Legion laptop with an AMD CPU, win11 install from the store:
I find the amount of sessions weird, it goes up to at least 10. The high number of PIDs also tells me the system has been running a while. Does this happen pretty soon after a reboot or does it take days? Is this computer shared with someone else? Maybe have a look at the user name column.
Happens right after boot, they’re there immediately. Before I start firefox proper, too.
Username is all my username.
Not a shared pc(it’s a laptop). Never runs for more than a few hours.
Pretty sure the shutdown is a full shutdown on this system.
That thing that stands out to me is how small they all are.
And it’s not just firefox, it’s also a few XRiteColorAssistant, which is a tool that came pre-installed.
EDIT: Tried user NirCmd to elevate a powershell session to run as SYSTEM user. Then tried Taskkill /PID <pid> /F on such a PID. Still got “Access Denied”
Open classic System control, go to power settings, open the “what to do when pressing the power button” and make sure fast start is disabled. The next reboot should be a full one.
Or do an emergency reboot: Ctrl+Alt+Del, then hold Ctrl and click the power button. MAKE SURE EVERYTHING IS SAVED!
If you can’t kill a process it is either protected (like an anti virus service) or a zombie.