Win-rar dot com vs rarlab?

Disclaimer: none of point below and above are meant as personal criticism, just observations. Just realized they might be perceived as such. Reading out load method and the like works.

Yes, but you don’t have to use it, there isn’t even and upside for choosing to use it.

Selling compression utility has been nonviable business model for at least decade and massive risk decade before that.

If it weren’t for:

  • nostalgics and people who don’t want to switch
  • org that require commercial support by corporate policy ( i.e effectively no OSS allowed )

then winzip and winrar would be defunct long ago. They also haven’t innovated both in compression field or even in frontend space.

Supporting such company without viable product, lack of innovation and no reasonable chance of ever growing seems like bad bet and even worse policy. Given their lack of scale, even support would likely be meh, if actually needed something more complex.

They are zombie companies with zombie products, waiting for final blow. Past security issues hint at that also.

That why we are shocked, laughing or weirdly nostalgic. You dont see winrar nowadays much, for a good reason.
So buying winrar licence in 2023 ? I would be sceptical in 2012, nowadays is pure WTF. But 30€+5€ yearly isnt that much.

I would be sceptical in 2002… anyways I would rather see people donate to some open source project than pay these licences on obsolete products that have had far superior foss alternatives for decades.
When I first saw this thread I was sure it was a troll post :joy:

On the original topic, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised they were both just malware at this point, I didn’t know there was still a company behind it that was in business.

Why Dude.

Just use 7zip

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there are more uses for archivers than just archiving.
winrar will open most zip and lha/z based formats as well as some exe, msi, iso files.
which can save a lot of time to a soc.

sometimes archives are buried inside archives like a russian doll…
you can install every required archiver for each file type. or you can run it through winrar…
chances are winrar will open most of the nesting. shortening the amount of time you need to dig.
this helped me shorten a thm lab from an hour to 3 minutes, 20 levels of embedding before i finally got the flag :slight_smile:
the thm solution was install 6 different archivers and try the files you find in each to see if they open.
if they do, open it and try the next file in another archiver…
like i said winrar helped me shorten this process dramatically just because it supports so many file types.

so yeah it does have its saving grace :wink:

It’s so bleh compared to WinRAR, though. :goat: :face_vomiting: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If you say so. I use Ark.

I fully agree with you. Is it worth the the money nowadays? Probably not, especially given the inflation and prices and what it offers for the price but are things like Adobe so much better with their subscription prices and feature that they offer? Also not.

I definitely have used it to a degree that the 35 I paid for the license is def. worth it and I know that it is 1000% reliable.

Talking about people not using it anymore, I’m not so sure, given posts or people on the Internet and on almost every machine or desktop, you can see a winrar icon in the background.

For me personal- and professionally, there are other things monetarily that bother, like music streaming subscription services like Spotify which not a single person should use.

But oh well, but society is currently on a path of self-destruction anyways…

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Shower thought: Have you seen those adopt these puppies tv shows?

We should dot he same for software developers !

Camera pans on winrar offices in vissible disarray, coders shuffling listlessly to their desk
Now camera pans on kindly old tv host:

Do you see these poor faces? They have brought you all the compression goodness in the past. But it isnt the roaring 1990s or 2000s so these poor fellas have been forgotten and neglected, living day by day on forgotten subscriptions only.

So adopt one today!

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Hope this clears up any confusion