Win a copy of Mark of the Ninja

I have a copy of Mark of the Ninja here. The first person that can accurately tell the story of how Masaaki Hatsumi became the current Bujinkan Ninja master will win.

During his late teenage years he trained in western style boxing, continued playing soccer, and worked hard at his academic studies. Missing the dojo world of training he so loved and immersed himself into as a youth, he again returned to martial arts. He kept looking for something; he was not sure what it was but it seemed to be missing. Eventually he found himself at the door step of a man who would change his life and someday renew the world of martial arts, Master Toshigatsu Takamatsu, the last of the true Ninja. Master Takamatsu took him under his wing for the last 15 years of his life, taught him the Nine secret traditions and passed them on to him as the sole heir. Today these studies have become what we know of as the Bujinkan Dojo. That is how Grandmaster Hatsumi has become the master ninja.

In the spring of 1900, 13-year-old Takamatsu left high school and went on to English school and the 
Chinese School of Classics in his hometown of Kobe. It was during this time, he met Mizuta Tadafusa 
Yoshitaro (15th Soke of Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu). Takamatsu trained at Mizuta’s dojo everyday, and 
when he was 17 years old, Mizuta gave him the Menkyo Kaiden (Master’s License) in Takagi Yoshin Ryu 
Jutaijutsu in 1906. In that same year, Takamatsu met his family cousin, Ishitani Matsutaro Takege, who 
worked as a bodyguard in the match making factory owned by Takamatsu’s father. Ishitani, was well known 
for his skills in the warrior arts, used an old oak bokken for a walking stick, and had built a small dojo in the 
factory where he taught Takamatsu. Ishitani was Soke of Kuki Happo Biken No Jutsu, Gikan Ryu 
koppojutsu, and Shinden Muso Ryu. He taught Takamatsu in these systems and continued his training in 
Takagi Yoshin Ryu Jutaijutsu, which Takamatsu had been training in previously with Mizuta. There was 
once a fire in the sleeping area of the match factory. As everyone else ran around in a panic, Takamatsu 
grabbed a thick Gi training top, soaked it in water, and put it on. He grabbed a hanbo (3 foot stick), ran into 
the burning area, and started knocking down the sliding walls. This helped to extinguish the fire, saving the 
rest of the factory. Ishitani seeing this commented saying, Takamatsu was truly a great martial artist. Ishitani 
died a few years later just after passing the status Soke of Gikan Ryu koppojutsu to Takamatsu.

In 1909 when Takamatsu was 22 years old, he received his Menkyo Kaiden from his grandfather Toda 
Shinryuken in all the systems he taught. Toda died that same year, December 6th. Some important aspects 
Toda taught Takamatsu were, “When you face death, die laughing”, “Even when facing defeat, do it 
smiling”, and “Never speak of your knowledge, it might make it disappear”. Around this time, Takamatsu quit 
working at his father’s factory and left for China, where he wanted to test his skills. He spent some time in 
Korea, where he met Kim Kei-Mei-a and trained with him. In China, he studied under many of the most 
famous Chinese martial arts masters. Later he had mastered eighteen Korean and Chinese martial art 
systems. After some time in China training, he returned home because of illness. He was then cured by a 
Yamabushi (Mountain Priest) and soon after, returned to China.

Basically the old master Takamatsu died in Nara, Japan in 1972 after advancing Hatsumi from student and bestowing him "all the art of the nine schools" basically making him one of the best. 3 of the schools were ancient ninja schools and 6 were samurai schools of martial arts. Hatsumi then went on to found the Bujinkan Dojo in Noda Japan to teach all nine schools to other students. He is also known as the 34th Togakure-ryu Soke (grandmaster).

I'm looking for a particular story... about when Takamatsu told Hatsumi that we was the master... 

One day Takamatsu and Hatsumi were sitting in a room in Takamatsu's house. Takamatsu told Hatsumi to close his eyes while he left the room, and to keep them closed. Hatsumi heard him leave the room and go downstairs. He did not hear Takamatsu re-enter the room. Takamatsu attacked Hatsumi from behind with a live Katana using Jumonji Kiri, one vertical and one horizontal cut. Hatsumi later said that as he sat in the room with his eyes closed, he felt something was wrong and moved to the side. Then, for no reason, he somersaulted forward. Takamatsu told Hatsumi that he had the "feeling" (sakki) and presented the sword to Hatsumi. After this Takamatsu gave Hatsumi the Menkyo Kaiden.


And this would be the winning answer! Congragulations daeflushus!


I can see why you picked this, that's crazy

Congradulations! I wish I knew the story to win