Win 7 vs. Win 8

I'm building a system and i can't decide which OS i want, if i get win 8 i will be buying start is back, an everyone says win 8 is faster, plus you can do the full reinstall in a ridiculous time, but windows 7 doesn't suck in general, and im already familiar with it. Is it time to just bite the bullet and YOLO it and get win 8?

For gaming performance it doesnt really matter, vista/win7/win8 will usually perform within margin of error. Non gaming related there are more differences, win 8 for example will let you use ridiculous amounts of ram even with the cheap x 64 home edition. If you like win 7 better or already have a copy go with that. Win 8 with single monitor and no touch device can be a pain. i installed it to try it out (since i get win for free) and was quickly frustrated.

I like my windows 7 pro 64bit I would never trade it for win8

That's why i would buy startisback for win 8. and im building a new system so i don't already have an OS

Win8 and Startisback would be a good choice. Only reason to get Win7 is if you need backwards compatibility with games from the pre-Vista era.

There's no significant technical advantage for Windows 8 and games, so maybe run with Windows 7 for now and see what Windows 9 brings. ;)

I installed Windows 7 in UEFI mode this week and now it boots just as fast as Windows 8 in UEFI mode. To take on an often quoted Windows 8 advantage.

I would suggest whichever has the better drivers for you hardware.  AMD is products do perform a bit better on windows 8.  Intel, it's a hit and miss, Haswell has some problems on Windows 8 at the moment.  Overall, go for whichever has the best support for your hardware.  Both OS work pretty good, win 8 got bad publicity but with StartIsBack, it works really well.

I'd go ahead and get Win 8 w/ StartIsBack.  Since it's the newest OS, it's going to be Micro$oft's primary far as updates go and all that jazz.  I also hear Win 8 is the overall better performer.  The only problem is the GUI, which can easily be fixed by StartIsBack.

I'm probably going to be giving it a try myself once I get my SSD. :)

Windows 8 has more support for the new UEFI bios's.  If you get a SSD with your new build you can enable fast boot and secure boot as long as your GPU bios is UEFI compatible.  I just got startisback because of watching Logan's video and I like it very much so far.  It just looks like it belongs there.